Citizens for Public Schools and other members of the Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance are holding a Week of Action on Charter Schools to raise public awareness about how students in our district public schools are impacted by charters. The messages will be spread through social media and local media outlets. Fact sheets and background information are available here.
KEEP PUBLIC FUNDS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Click here to Sign this Petition to Keep the Cap on Charters.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 5: Public Funds For Public Schools
Communities all across Massachusetts are losing funds to charter schools. Check out this interactive map to see how much your community is losing.
Take action!
- Watch for and wear the new Public Funds for Public Schools stickers. (Teachers can contact their local association president to get them.)
- Share the sticker image and its message on Facebook and Twitter. (It will be posted on the CPS Facebook page.)
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6: Public Control of Public Schools
A major problem: charter schools can be approved despite objections from a majority of local taxpayers and elected officials and local officials have no say over how those charters are run.
Spread the word!
- Testify at school committee meetings
- Speak out over social media
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7: Public Schools Serve All Students
Citizens for Public Schools will be posting “memes” and other information about how charters exclude English language learners, special needs students and the most economically disadvantaged students. These will be available on our Facebook page and website.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8: Stop the School-To-Prison Pipeline
Citizens for Public Schools will supply easy-to-post information on how charter schools’ discipline policies and high suspension rates lead to push-outs and poor outcomes for some students.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9: Schools our Communities Deserve
Citizens for Public Schools believes that allowing or promoting more charter schools in Massachusetts would drain desperately needed resources from traditional public schools, which continue to serve our neediest students and families. Rather than focus attention and resources on schools that serve just 4% of our students, let’s focus resources and support on the schools that serve the vast majority of all students: rich and poor, black and white, typical and disabled, English speakers and English language learners.
Speak Up!
- Post about the great things happening in your public schools.
- Let the public know about how you would use resources that are currently being lost to charter schools.