Say No to MCAS – Opt Out ’21

Be a part of this Week of Action to Say No to MCAS! Monday we share a video on how to opt out of MCAS. Watch it here. Mira el video en español, aqui.

Tuesday is a Less Testing, More Learning Twitter storm with the hashtags #CancelMCAS and #NoMCASMA. Join the conversation and spread the word about opting out of MCAS.

Wednesday is a Facebook Livestream with a panel talking about “What if they gave the MCAS and nobody came?”

Thursday is a forum on the Racist History of Standardized Testing with an awesome lineup of speakers.

Tag three friends on Friday and encourage them to opt out.

Join an opt-out rally and caravan in New Bedford on Sunday at 10am, beginning at New Bedford High School.

Sign our opt out petition, below, to send a powerful message to Governor Baker and Commissioner Riley!

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Outcry over BESE member’s remarks highlights state education policy’s systemic racism, need for change

The uproar over a state official’s remark last week about Lawrence and Holyoke shines a light on the systemic racism that underlies state education policy and causes untold harm to the children of Massachusetts urban centers.

That assumption is that city schools would be better off with less democracy, with state appointees determining more of what happens in the classroom.

Citizens for Public Schools maintains the opposite: Children learn better when their schools respond to their communities.

The state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education took an important step at its April 20 meeting: It cancelled the state’s “accountability” system for the current year due to the pandemic. State officials will pause their use of the algorithm dominated by MCAS scores to rate schools and districts.

In the discussion leading to the unanimous vote, board member Michael Moriarty said it was unfortunate that the pandemic was stalling state action in Holyoke and Lawrence schools.   → Read More

MCAS COVID-19 Update: CPS Analyzes What’s Changing & What’s Staying the Same

January 2021

Jeffrey C. Riley, the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education, has proposed several changes to the MCAS this year, in light of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the changes and what they mean for Massachusetts students and educators. 

  • In a January 5 memo, Commissioner Riley said he will recommend to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education that this year’s seniors be allowed to earn their high school diplomas by passing their required courses and not have to pass the MCAS. 
  • He said, “The [Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)] will significantly reduce testing time for students in grades 3-8 through a session sampling approach, in which each student will take only a portion of each MCAS assessment in each subject.”
  • The Commissioner will not “recommend to the Board any new underperforming or chronically underperforming districts or schools in the upcoming school year.” Those are labels the state assigns based on MCAS scores.
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CPS to state leaders: Face up to reality. Cancel spring MCAS now.

Citizens for Public Schools congratulates state education officials on beginning to acknowledge the harsh realities of education in a time of pandemic by proposing to reduce the scope and the stakes of MCAS and ACCESS testing this school year.

We urge them to take another giant leap toward the real world and do what Citizens for Public Schools, the Massachusetts Association of School Committees and the state’s teachers unions have been asking them to do for months: Cancel this spring’s MCAS and let educators focus on the enormous task of educating students, not pointless test prep.   → Read More

Progress! Boston Moves toward Racial Justice & Equity, Changes Boston Exam School Admissions

On October 21, in a step toward racial and educational justice, the Boston School Committee voted unanimously in favor of a proposal to drop the entrance exam used for admission to the district’s three selective public schools. NAACP Boston Branch President Tanisha Sullivan, who helped draft the proposal, read from a statement by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. Kendi wrote, “…we know a policy is creating more equal opportunity if it is closing racial and economic inequity. We know a policy is not creating equal opportunity if it is maintaining racial and economic inequity. And the data is indisputable on the effects of this plan: it will close racial and economic gaps.” (Dr. Kendi’s entire statement is powerful, illuminating and worth reading!)

CPS was proud to join with 12 civil rights, education justice, and community organizations in support of the Exam School Admission Criteria Working Group’s admissions proposal for the 2021-2022 school year.   → Read More