CPS Reports from Save Our Schools Conference in DC


I just returned from the SOS Rally and conference in Washington DC. It was uplifting to join with other progressive education advocates from across the country. The principles of SOS are totally in sync with the CPS agenda:

Guiding Principles

For the future of our children, we demand:

  • Equitable funding for all public school communities
  • Equitable funding across all public schools and school systems
  • Full public funding of family and community support services
  • Full funding for 21st century school and neighborhood libraries
  • An end to economically and racially re-segregated schools
  • An end to high stakes testing used for the purpose of student, teacher, and school evaluation
  • The use of multiple and varied assessments to evaluate students, teachers, and schools
  • An end to pay per test performance for teachers and administrators
  • An end to public school closures based upon test performance
  • Teacher, family and community leadership in forming public education policies
  • Educator and civic community leadership in drafting new ESEA legislation
  • Federal support for local school programs free of punitive and competitive funding
  • An end to political and corporate control of curriculum, instruction and assessment decisions for teachers and administrators
  • Curriculum developed for and by local school communities
  • Support for teacher and student access to a wide-range of instructional programs and technologies
  • Well-rounded education that develops every student’s intellectual, creative, and physical potential
  • Opportunities for multicultural/multilingual curriculum for all students
  • Small class sizes that foster caring, democratic learning communities

Read the Washington Post story on the event here.   → Read More

Come to Brookline and hear about the DC Save Our Schools Rally

Monday, August 1

Join us in Brookline to hear about SOS Rally and Support CPS!

Public Schools and Teachers are Under Appreciated, Underfunded, AND UNDER ATTACK

Learn about and support two inter-related efforts to combat this:

•       Save our Schools March and National Call to Action, Washington D.C., July 28-31, and local events across the state, sponsored by Citizens for Public Schools.

•       Wisconsin Senatorial Recall Elections, August 9, and attacks on Public Unions.

7:00 pm, 123 Buckminster Rd., Home of Don Weitzman and Harriet Goldberg

Organized by Julie Johnson, Rep. Frank Smizik, Ed Loechler, David Klafter and Marcia Hnatowich, and supported by:  Citizens for Public Schools, Brookline PAX, and Brookline Chapter of Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts.

For more information about this event, click here. Read the Washington Post coverage of the rally here.

   → Read More

SOS: Why Diane Ravitch is Marching on July 30

Diane offers more than enough great reasons to head to DC on July 30 and join her, Deborah Meier, Monty Neill, and many of your CPS friends. Here are just a few:

I am marching to protest the status quo of high-stakes testing, attacks on the education profession, and creeping privatization.

I want to protest the federal government’s punitive ideas about school reform, specifically, No Child Left Behind and the Race to the Top. Neither of these programs has any validation in research or practice or evidence. The nation’s teachers and parents know that NCLB has been a policy disaster. Race to the Top incorporates the same failed ideas. Why doesn’t Congress know?

I want to protest the wave of school closings caused by these cruel federal policies. Public schools are a public trust, not shoe stores. If they are struggling, they should be improved, not killed.

Read the rest of her Blog post here.   → Read More

Save Our Schools!

Join us in Washington, D.C., Saturday, July 30 for the


After decades of “school reform” it is finally…

Our Day! Our March! Our Voice!


It’s time to change the national dialogue on public education.

For over a decade, education laws and policies have been enacted without input from those who REALLY know how
to improve our schools and society. And now, as we stand at a critical crossroads in the future of public schools and
the teaching profession…

• The President has a voice
• The Secretary of Education has a voice
• Politicians have a voice
• Corporate billionaires have a voice
• The media have a voice
Finally, the nation will hear OUR VOICE!

On July 30, 2011

The Save Our Schools March & National Call to Action in Washington, D.C.

To register and for more information, click here.   → Read More

Fulfill the Promise of Ed Reform with Adequate School Funding

Ann O’Halloran testified Tuesday, June 7, 2011, before the Joint Education Committee of the Massachusetts legislature in favor of House Bill 153. Among other things, she said this:

It is distressing that so many schools lack libraries and librarians, have relentless cutbacks in the arts, music, drama, after school programs, lack appropriate resources in books, technology and science labs, have constant cutbacks in special education, in medical, psychological, and social work supports that are essential to so many students. While the Commonwealth has built a mammoth testing system for students with huge concomitant costs  – with an intent to expand even further – it has been complicit in the ongoing cutbacks of the very basics of a modern school system.

To read her full testimony, click here.   → Read More