CPS Presents Pedro Noguera

Education and Civil Rights

Join us at University of Massachusetts Boston to hear the education scholar and author Pedro Noguera speak on education and civil rights in the 21st Century on Monday, Dec. 2. Education is frequently described as the civil rights issue of the 21st century by politicians calling for policy changes and reform. However, the most important civil rights issue involving education in the 20th century, school segregation, remains largely unresolved, and despite the controversy it once generated, it is rarely mentioned as an important social issue that should be addressed.   → Read More

Ravitch rallies hundreds to defend public education

With a rousing defense of public education and a scathing critique of those who seek to privatize it, Diane Ravitch drew a diverse audience of 800 to Harvard’s Memorial Church on October 24th. Citizens for Public Schools sponsored the event as part of its Mary Ann Hardenbergh annual lecture series.

Ravitch, a historian and former U.S. assistant secretary of education, pulled no punches when explaining what corporate-driven “reform” means for public education: budget cuts, elimination of jobs, harming of children, and turning over schools to hedge fund managers.    → Read More

Hear Diane Ravitch, TONIGHT, Oct. 24 in Cambridge

Citizens for Public Schools is proud to present Diane Ravitch, speaking on her new book, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools. Reign of Error picks up where Diane left off with her ground-breaking book, The Death and Life of the Great American School System.

When: Thursday, October 24, 2013, 7:30 p.m.
Where: Memorial Church,
Harvard Yard, Cambridge
Tickets: $12


20 Years After Education Reform, CPS Calls for New Direction

Citizens for Public Schools (CPS), a 31-year-old organization dedicated to improving education for Massachusetts children, has released a new report on how those children have fared in the 20 years since the Education Reform Act was signed, June 18, 1993. The report is titled, Twenty Years After Education Reform: Choosing a Path Forward To Equity and Excellence For All.   → Read More

CPS Joins Mass Budget’s Kids Count Blog

Citizens for Public Schools is proud and excited to be one of the organizations participating in Mass Budget’s new Kids Count blog. Here’s our first, introductory blog post, “Public Schools, A Resource Worth Funding and Defending.”    → Read More