Tuesday, April 9 – Legislative Hearings on Testing

Come speak out for testing reform at the State House

Three of Citizens for Public Schools’ priority bills – all related to MCAS and assessment – will have a public hearing before the Education Committee on Tuesday, April 9 at 10 a.m. in room A-1 at the State House (Just inside the entrance through the garden on Bowdoin Street).

Come and testify or be present to support positive change for students. Testimony should be limited to 3 minutes. It is always advisable to hand in written testimony. Bring about 20 copies.

Click here to read summaries of the three bills:

1) An Act to Improve Assessment and Accountability to Ensure Students Acquire 21st Century Skills – House Bill 489

2) An Act to Expand Access to the MCAS Appeals Process – House Bill 444

3) An Act Requiring School Districts, with the Assistance of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, to Disclose Information about Required Assessments – House Bill 490   → Read More

Compromise Averts Stand for Children’s Destructive Ballot Question

Citizens for Public Schools (CPS) believes the compromise reached by the Massachusetts Teachers Association and corporate-funded Stand for Children would avoid the worst aspects of Stand’s proposed ballot question, which was a deceptive and destructive proposal that failed to address real obstacles to educational quality and equity.

The compromise was passed by the legislature and signed into law by Gov. Deval Patrick today, June 29. In exchange, Stand said it would drop the ballot measure it proposed to put on the November ballot.

“Stand for Children has become a vehicle for a few billionaires who want to control how we run our public schools,” said CPS President Ann O’Halloran, who was the 2007 Massachusetts History Teacher of the Year. “I’m relieved that Stand was blocked from achieving its full agenda, but CPS and our allies must be prepared to resist similar efforts down the road. We need to raise awareness of this as a national problem, not just a Massachusetts issue.”   → Read More

URGENT – Contact Your Rep Today!

Dear CPS member and education advocates:

Below is an analysis of the Ed Reform bill that is expected to be debated in the House the first week of January. However, the house Democrats will be caucusing this Wednesday about the bill.

If you are concerned about these sweeping changes, please contact your Rep. Tuesday or Wednesday morning (December 15 or 16) and urge them to consider the consequences of the changes outlined below. See also a sample letter below the analysis of the bill.

This is URGENT!

Marilyn Segal, Executive Director, CPS

CPS Analysis of the S2216

Education Reform Act of 2009

The “Education Reform Act of 2009,” already passed by the Senate, represents the most devastating changes ever proposed to public education in the Massachusetts. These “reforms” are being sold to the legislature as necessary to compete for federal “Race to the Top” funds, which, in any case, amount to barely $250 per student.   → Read More

Education Legislation Alert: Act Now!

Dear CPS Members and Education Activists:

CPS will be delivering the memo below to all legislators. We urge you to read it and call your Senator and Representative immediately. The Senate is expected to take up the bill today, Monday, Nov. 16 (Tuesday at the latest). The House immediately after.

The legislation is on a fast track—The 65-page bill was released on Monday night, embargoed to the public, and passed without debate (no amendments allowed) by the committee by an email or vote by phone.

If you don’t know who are your legislators go to www.wheredoIvoteMA.com.

Best regards,

Marilyn J. Segal


To:  Legislators

From: Marilyn J. Segal, Executive Director

Re: Proposed Education Reform Act of 2009

Date: November 13, 2009

Yesterday the Federal Department of Education released regulations for the Federal Race To The Top funds. These regs do not require expansion of the current cap on charter schools.   → Read More