Pauline Lipman: The Attack on Public Education

Pauline Lipman is Professor of Policy Studies in the College of Education, University of Illinois-Chicago. Professor Lipman presented a powerful keynote at Saving Our Schools: Defending Public Education, a  March 27 conference co-sponsored by Citizens for Public Schools and the Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts (PHENOM). Coming from Chicago, former home of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Lipman described the devastating consequences of Duncan’s privatization efforts as CEO of Chicago public schools. She exhorted the audience to keep at the forefront a vision of what we want for our public schools:

We need more than opposition to what we are against. Forging a social movement to defend public education means defining what we are for. It is not surprising that some parents and students in Chicago are not enthusiastic about defending public education. Public schools, like other public services (think public assistance, public hospitals, the police) have a deeply flawed record of exclusion, disrespect, racism, hostility, even violence for working class and low-income people of color.

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CPS on the Move in Massachusetts

CPS Board Members Louis Kruger and Ann O’Halloran were invited to Bristol Community College in Fall River to speak to a group of teachers about the MCAS and show Lou’s film. Herald News Reporter Will Richmond covered the meeting.

Northeastern professor blasts MCAS system

Dave Souza|Herald News

Louis Kruger, a psychology professor at Northeastern University, recently spoke against MCAS exams during a talk entitled “Children Left Behind” at Bristol Community College.

By Will Richmond
Herald News Staff Reporter

From left, retired teacher John Cummings, Ann O'Halloran, Lou Kruger, Rep. David Sullivan.

As the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam continues to grow, so does support for removing the tests as a graduation requirement.

With a group made up primarily of current and retired teachers in attendance, Louis Kruger, a professor of psychology at Northeastern University, recently spoke about how the MCAS exam is impacting students during a presentation titled “Children Left Behind” at Bristol Community College.   → Read More

URGENT – Contact Your Rep Today!

Dear CPS member and education advocates:

Below is an analysis of the Ed Reform bill that is expected to be debated in the House the first week of January. However, the house Democrats will be caucusing this Wednesday about the bill.

If you are concerned about these sweeping changes, please contact your Rep. Tuesday or Wednesday morning (December 15 or 16) and urge them to consider the consequences of the changes outlined below. See also a sample letter below the analysis of the bill.

This is URGENT!

Marilyn Segal, Executive Director, CPS

CPS Analysis of the S2216

Education Reform Act of 2009

The “Education Reform Act of 2009,” already passed by the Senate, represents the most devastating changes ever proposed to public education in the Massachusetts. These “reforms” are being sold to the legislature as necessary to compete for federal “Race to the Top” funds, which, in any case, amount to barely $250 per student.   → Read More

Education Legislation Alert: Act Now!

Dear CPS Members and Education Activists:

CPS will be delivering the memo below to all legislators. We urge you to read it and call your Senator and Representative immediately. The Senate is expected to take up the bill today, Monday, Nov. 16 (Tuesday at the latest). The House immediately after.

The legislation is on a fast track—The 65-page bill was released on Monday night, embargoed to the public, and passed without debate (no amendments allowed) by the committee by an email or vote by phone.

If you don’t know who are your legislators go to

Best regards,

Marilyn J. Segal

To:  Legislators

From: Marilyn J. Segal, Executive Director

Re: Proposed Education Reform Act of 2009

Date: November 13, 2009

Yesterday the Federal Department of Education released regulations for the Federal Race To The Top funds. These regs do not require expansion of the current cap on charter schools.   → Read More

CPS ‘Educating the Whole Student’ Conference Informed, Inspired

Panelists (from left) Willie Rodriguez, Carl Sciortino, Barbara Fields and Jay Kaufman.

Panelists (from left) Willie Rodriguez, Carl Sciortino, Barbara Fields and Jay Kaufman.

Parents, teachers, administrators, policymakers, legislators, researchers and others filled a large conference room at Bunker Hill Community College Saturday and were treated to a rich presentation on “Educating the Whole Student.” A dynamic group of speakers and participants informed, inspired and challenged us to do the work needed to bring about the change we need. We may have miles to go to reach our goals and vision, but we have a large and growing community of thoughtful, dedicated and energetic allies ready to make the journey.

Keynote speaker Deborah Meier set the tone by urging us to be feisty and flex our democratic muscles to remake schools so that all children can bring their innate drive and curiosity and trust that it won’t be crushed. We need to fight for schools that model and nurture the skills needed for a vibrant democratic society, not schools that train children to choose a predetermined right answer.   → Read More